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Our points of difference

Hello, greetings from Colorado Springs my name is Lance Kohler and I'm the owner and managing broker for Cornerstone real estate team today I'd like to talk about our points of difference what makes Cornerstone different from another property management company in Colorado Springs and the first of those points of difference would be our single point of contact a single point of contact for you the owner so that you have you know exactly who you need to speak to about your if you have questions about your property.

So in Cornerstone our company is set up as a portfolio management company and what that means is each of our property managers has a portfolio of properties that they manage what I don't want is for you as the owner to have to call our office and to you, you're not sure if you need to talk to admin you have a question on your owner statement say you don't know if you need to speak with admin or accounting or maybe you need to speak with maintenance because it's a maintenance charge that you're unclear about what I want you to do as an owner with Cornerstone is you have that single point of contact you have your property manager if they don't know the answer to the question they'll find out and get back to you with an answer.

A second point of difference is our maintenance team so we have a maintenance team within our company we have a maintenance coordinator who coordinates maintenance and does inspections and follows up with external vendors if we have someone working on your property and we also have a maintenance man a handyman who is on our staff and is responsible or responsive uh to your property he's able to move quickly if we have an emergency maybe there's a water leak we can get it shut off figure out diagnose the issue maybe there's a broken window from a hail storm or wind we're able to get somebody there quickly um so that is an advantage in for us in protecting your property and for you in providing you a lower cost solution than always hiring an external vendor and secondly on the maintenance side we don't mark up any maintenance invoices some companies add a 5% or 10% mark up on maintenance invoices that they handle or that they manage for your property we at Cornerstone do not do that so if a handyman goes out to your property and replaces the disposal and that costs $120 on the invoice then that is what your property will be billed it will be $120 there's no markup.

With regards to fees, we also do not charge an onboarding fee that's another point of difference for us from other companies some companies will charge an onboarding or a new property fee when a new owner or new property joins the management company or enlist the management company to provide Property Management Services there may be an onboarding fee for setting up the accounts and establishing the software and inspecting the property Etc.

So we at Cornerstone do not charge an onboarding fee another point of difference is our video Marketing in addition to professional photography of your property for the listing photos we also do 360-degree video tours and the advantage to that is one, it attracts more attention to your property when it's listed for lease and two it opens up the audience or potential applicants for your property because there may be somebody who hasn't yet come to town or maybe they're moving here to Colorado Springs but they haven't they're not in town yet they can do essentially a walk through of your property they can see the layout they can see how the rooms are connected so in addition to the just the photos on the listing they'll have a 360-degree tour that can take them through the property.

The next point of difference I'd like to discuss are several guarantees we have several guarantees that are in our management agreement that we would have with you as the owner first is a tenant guarantee so we're confident in our screening process and if we approve a tenant for your property and that tenant does not stay for the full term of their first lease we will release the property and not charge you a leasing fee.

The second guarantee we have is a termination guarantee so we've seen from owners who maybe come from another company another management company or maybe they had a management company at their you know at the city where they lived last they come to corner or Colorado Springs and they want Cornerstone to manage their rental property and they ask about a termination fee so some companies will charge you a large fee to terminate the management agreement and for us here at Cornerstone if you're not happy we're not happy so if we're not a good fit together for us to manage your property for you then we'll allow you to terminate the management agreement all we ask is 30 days notice we'll close out your property we'll close out your accounts send you any remaining funds following that 30-day notice and transition that property back to your management or to a management company of your selection.

Thirdly third guarantee is a pet guarantee again part of our screening process we also screen pets that tenants may bring into the property and so we're pretty confident we're pretty stringent on that on the pet screening and so we offer our owners a pet guarantee where if the if a tenants dog or excuse me tenants pet causes damages to your property in excess of their security deposit Cornerstone will pay up to $2,000 worth of the damages so those are three guarantees that make up our points of difference.

Another point of difference would be an owner benefit program there this is a new program we don't even have it on our website yet but we're just rolling it out and the two big items that I think will be of interest to owners one is a guarantee if we have to evict a tenant and you are enrolled into the owner benefit program the program will reimburse you up to two months of rent and retting expenses the second item under that owner benefit program that may be of interest, particularly to investors who are looking to expand their portfolio is the opportunity to enroll and get paid upfront get a year's worth of rent income upfront so look for that there'll be more details on our website and we'll, of course, have information on that in our management agreement.

And the last point difference is that we are veteran-owned and operated so we have six veterans with over 100 Years of service to our country on our team we bring the values the work ethic that we learned in the military with us to work every day thank you for considering Cornerstone hopefully these points of difference help you in your decision process you can find more information at our website at thanks have a great day
