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What is the CLLC?

Hello greetings from Colorado Springs my name is Lance Kohler and I'm the managing broker of the Cornerstone Real Estate Team. Today I'd like to talk to you about the Colorado landlord legislative coalition CLLC for short and the Colorado landlord legislative coalition's a mouthful so I'm probably going to use CLLC as I go through this presentation.

The CLLC was established in 2020 and the idea behind the Colorado land landlord legislative coalition was to represent single family and small multi-family rental property owners and property managers, and the intent was that it's open to all so independent landlords, do-it-yourself landlords, and the small professional property managers, property management companies can join and the purpose behind it was to be able to educate legislators at the capital about the rental industry and provide a voice for these investor owners and property managers where we can unite and we can have one front at the state capital.

As you know the last several years there have been multiple bills proposed and multiple bills that are passed that have impact on the invest investment industry on the property management industry, we expect we'll continue to see that. There were several bills passed in the most recent legislative session 2024 that impacted our industry, two of the bills I've done videos for please go back and look we talked about House Bill 1098 and Senate Bill 094 both had impacts on the property management industry, House Bill 1098 talked about non-renewals or no cause evictions was the terminology they used in the bill, Senate Bill 094 was a warranty of habitability bill that expanded upon previous bills from 2019 to 2023.

So our lobbyist from the CLLC was able to impact that we were able to be involved and we were able to give testimony and provide our legislature some different viewpoints on how that would impact it how those bills would impact the industry, how future bills would impact the industry. While the bills weren't stopped from being passed, they were modified and in some cases significantly modified from their original draftings, as I said before we had no unified voice no the independent rental owners that do-it-yourself property managers, landlords, and property management companies had no unified voice no lobbyist at the capital working on our behalf and so that's kind of the background that's where the CLLC came from.

The CLLC is a nonprofit, it is open to all, there are membership dues you consider those a donation to support the lobbying and the admin costs, you can join for as little as $10 per month and the more members that we have the greater impact we can potentially have. A number of our owners are members of the CLLC I encourage you to research it and become a member as well, it's just an opportunity for professional representation on property management investment properties for like I said the independent rental owners, the small landlords, investors, small property management companies like ourselves.

There're you know a long-standing organization in Colorado Springs is the apartment association of Southern Colorado, and they cover generally large apartment complexes and in the management companies that manage those large apartment complexes their goals and their views on bills don't always match what a small investor, or a do-it-yourself landlord might have in mind for his property. Sometimes bills are introduced that are to address perceived mistakes or errors or bad actors in the large apartment complex industry, that then has a another you know a devastating impact on the small investor. And so the CLLC lobbyist is able to address those and provide that education and that opportunity for the legislators to see both sides of the coin perhaps or gain more information about impact across the board before they pass the bill.

So is where I want you to go, you can learn more about the organization there and you can sign up as a member again $10 a month starting off, and the more members that we have the more effective we can have at the state capital. I hope this was of interest to you and that this information is valuable, thank you for your time and make it a great day.
