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Why choose cornerstone

Hello, greetings from Colorado Springs my name is Lance Kohler I'm the managing broker and owner of Cornerstone real estate team today I'd like to talk to you a little bit about why you should choose Cornerstone to provide your Property Management Services for your investment property your rental home first of all a little bit about us and a little bit about me.

I started managing rental properties in 2008 with my own rental property I started doing Property Management professionally for others in 2012 and in 2015 I bought a book of business and began running my own property management company what got me into Property Management aside from managing my own rental property was I had several friends who were leaving the area wanted to keep their homes or weren't ready to sell their home yet and thought they would turn it into an investment property in the long term they asked me to take over management of the property that got my kind of got my foot in the door I learned more about property management I got my real estate license I learned more about real estate the more I learned the more interested I was and that just led to me growing in the business.

So about Cornerstone we service areas obviously we cover Colorado Springs and some of the surrounding areas so we manage properties in Fountain, Widefield, Manitou Springs and Falcon so why you should choose us our property management knowledge and expertise we have five property managers and with those five property managers they have over 50 years of experience in the property management business anywhere from managing apartment complexes single family homes small portfolios large portfolios so we have a lot of experience and what that means to you as the owner is that we've experienced a lot so we have experienced managing fire flood tenant damage evictions you know and when things go smoothly as well and I want to quantify that if you're comparing property management companies so we have property managers and some total 50 years of experience and so those years of experience are different so if you look at a property manager that manages a small portfolio say 20 or 25 units versus a property manager that manages 100 units that same that year of experience will be different for the property manager with 100 units because they've experienced more transition perhaps more chaos more experiences meaning different situations dealing with you know tenant disagreements you know differences between the properties and so they their experience increases with the number of units that they manage so over the nine years that I've owned Cornerstone we've managed 300 units and more every year.

We do manage all types of properties we manage everything from a small multi-family, duplex, or you know a condo or set of condos up to large single-family homes everything from studio apartments up to homes that rent for more than 3,000 a month at Cornerstone there are several of us that have a military background we are veteran owned and operated and we are very service oriented so we have six veterans on our team and combined over a hundred years of service to our country and what that means to you as the owner is that we bring those skills the values the work ethic that we learned in the military we bring that to work each day with us.

Another point that I'd like you to consider is that we are Property Management focused and what I mean by that is we manage a number of diverse properties as I had mentioned before which brings us a lot of experience but our team is focused on property management now we have a property management team that is focused on managing our rental and investment properties and we have a sales team those are two separate functions and for me I want those to be two separate teams so we are not property managers that sometimes dabble in sales nor are we real estate agents residential sales agents that sometimes dabble in Property Management our property management team is focused on property management and our sales team is focused on selling and buying residential properties two different transactions two different teams lastly I'd like you to consider our maintenance program so we have a maintenance team we have a handyman on staff what that means for you the owner is a better emergency response so we have somebody that we can direct to your property if there's a water leak if there's a broken window and inclement weather if there's somebody that we need to respond we can do that quickly because we have a handyman on our team we also are able to provide quicker unit turns turning a property in between the time between one tenant moves out another tenant moves in in addition to having a handyman on staff we also have a maintenance coordinator and so our maintenance coordinator does troubleshooting he does inspections he manages the maintenance staff and external vendors and we do all that the maintenance coordinator and the handyman in order to provide a better value and lower cost to you the owner.

I hope this information was helpful for you if you have any questions please feel free to contact us the best way to reach us is off our website at you can contact us through there you can get a rental analysis we'd be happy to answer any questions you may have thanks and have a great day!
